Empowering Gambian farmers by means of better agri-journalism

Project period:

01.09.2015 - 30.09.2017

Granted amount:

500,000,- DKK


Danske Fødevare- og Landbrugsjournalister


Network of Agricultural Communicators (NAC)



Grant type:

Projekt B (0,2-0,5 mio)

Efforts take place in:

Gambia, the

Overall targets

The overall objective is to fight poverty and food insecurity in The Gambia by empowering farmers through the media, especially the community radio stations.

Immediate targets

Each radio station in the project should send more radio programmes about agriculture. Each radio station should also make new and better types of programmes about agriculture. A third immediate objective is that a number of experienced and educated members of NAC shall improve their capability to train local journalists who do not have any education and only little experience.

Target groups

The primary target group is non-educated and mostly voluntary working grass-roots journalists at radio stations who produce programs for farmers in the rural districts of The Gambia. The primary participants will be 24 non-educated journalists from 12 radio stations. A secondary target group – and group of participants – will be leaders from the 12 radio stations. A third target group (and group of participants) is experienced members of NAC. 10 senior journalists who are members of the network will receive training of trainers (TOT) in the project.


Det overordnede udviklingsmål er, at fattige bønder i Gambia – hvoraf hovedparten er kvinder – skal have informationer, som gør dem dygtigere til at drive landbrug og øger deres kendskab til markedsforhold. Projektet skal bidrage til dette ved at udvikle den landbrugsjournalistik som bønderne har adgang til. Projektet vil samle fire klynger af lokale radiostationer. Inden for hver klynge skal tre stationer arbejde sammen om landbrugsjournalistik, og der skal etableres et 19 måneder langt træningsprogram med deltagelse af to uuddannede journalister fra hver radiostation. DFLJ og vores gambiske partnerorganisation NAC vil sammen stå for træningen. Projektet vil styrke NAC som organisation ved at NAC bliver mere kendt og bedre funderet i det gambiske samfund samt øger sine organisatoriske og administrative kompetencer.