Mercury-free gold mining

Project period:

01.07.2014 - 30.09.2017

Granted amount:

3,499,131,- DKK




Ban Toxics!



Grant type:

Projekt E (3 - 5 mio)

Efforts take place in:


Overall targets

The General Objective is to stop mercury pollution from artisinal small scale gold mining (ASGM) by technical training of miners, strengthening of the civil society, and awareness rising.

Immediate targets

The specific objectives are that: 1. Miners in the project areas, both men and women, get to know about the dangers of mercury to health and environment, and convert to mercury-free gold extraction methods. 2. Civil society stakeholders, particularly healthcare workers, women, children, youths, and politicians learn about the dangers of mercury to health and environment, and that they get empowered to support the miners in their transition to mercury-free mining techniques. 3. Strategies for a mercury-free municipality are prepared and rooted locally. The experience from these processes is documented for use in future project areas. Strategies for scaling-up and snow-balling effects to neighbour mining communities is developed and documented. Bantox is capacitated to sustain the growth of the program.

Target groups

ASGM communities in the municipalities of • Jose Panganiban, Camarines Norte, Luzon • Balbalan, Kalinga province, Luzon • T’boli, South Cotabato, Mindanao There is an estimated 9,500 ASGMs in total in the three project areas. All participants in the project activities will be encouraged to pass on their knowledge to other members of their community, and therefore all inhabitants (approximately 140,000 people) in the project areas are considered secondary beneficiaries of the project.


Small scale-guldminedrift står for godt halvdelen af den globale menneskeskabte emission af kviksølv. I et tidligere projekt har Dialogos og den lokale partner Bantox vist, at det gennem kapacitetsopbygning af civilsamfundet er muligt at få alle guldminearbejdere i et helt projektområde til at overgå til en kviksølvfri guldudvindingsmetode. Projektet har understøttet fortalervirksomhed på Filippinerne og internationalt, idet det er første gang i verden et ikke-forurenende alternativ til brugen af kviksølv i sektoren er dokumenteret som værende praktisk anvendeligt. Det nye projekt bygger videre på de hidtidige erfaringer, og på et samlet koncept for afvikling af kviksølvbrug i lokalsamfundet. Der fokuseres på 1) at fastholde minearbejderne i at bruge den kviksølv-fri metode der hvor den er taget i brug; 2) at udvikle konceptet der hvor det ikke er lykkedes at indføre den nye metode; 3) Opstart i et nyt projektområde;