Børn som Aktører for et demokratisk, retfærdigt og bæredygtigt samfund

Project period:

01.01.2019 - 31.12.2021

Granted amount:

15,248,865,- DKK


International Børnesolidaritet


Asociación Infantil de niñas y niños trabajadores de Jinotega "Tuktan Sirpi" (Club Infantil) Asociacion Inhijambia Chasqui Fundación de Apoyo al Arte Creador Infantil (FUNARTE)



Grant type:

PROGRAM (Endelig ansøgning)

World goals:

Goal 4: Quality Education

Goal 5: Gender Equality

Goal 10: Reduced Inequalities

Goal 16: Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions

Goal 17: Partnerships for the Goals

Efforts take place in:

Bolivia Nicaragua


Children’s rights are bypassed at all levels in Bolivia and Nicaragua. This happens even though there is a solid legal framework for fulfillment of their rights. The program supports children in gaining an active voice and become actors in creating democratic, just and sustainable societies. Strengthening the empowerment of socially vulnerable children enable them to defend their rights and demand changes for all children. This happens in organized groups with the support of adults near to them (families, teachers and police). They all perform social and political advocacy towards duty bearers in order to ensure children’s participation and change the culture of violence in family and school. Partners promote the overall objective of the program and support the target groups’ advocacy through coordination with networks. By strengthening the organization and capacity of the target groups, the program strengthens civil society and thereby contributes to the Sustainable Development Goals.