Dreamtown Project 3: Consolidating the Dream

Project period:

01.05.2016 - 01.10.2018

Granted amount:

1,161,442,- DKK




Youth Dream Centre Sierra Leone (YDC-SL)



Grant type:

Projekt D (1 - 3 mio)

Efforts take place in:

Sierra Leone

Overall targets

Improved educational, economic and social opportunities for marginalised children and youth in post Ebola Sierra Leone

Immediate targets

YDC has put into action relevant policies and sustainability strategies, is governed by democratic structures and has consolidated its programmes in three locations YDC has adjusted its organisation to meet the challenges of the post Ebola context and provides quality non formal education and life skills for resilience to marginalised children and youth YDC advocates for the rights of marginalized children and youths to access quality education

Target groups

The primary target group is marginalized and vulnerable children and youth between the ages of 10 to 35 years, who are, for a variety of reasons, unable to participate in Sierra Leone’s formal school system. Some have never attended school while others have dropped out of school. Presently there are 130 students enrolled in the NFEP in Freetown, 96 in the NFEP in Makeni, 31 receiving daily IT and Media training and 18 daily technical vocational training students. In total there are 275 marginalized children and youths participating daily in activities conducted by YDC, however once the non-formal education project is established in Magburaka we project that 500 marginalized children and youth will benefit directly from the project.


Siden 2009 har Foreningen RETRO samarbejdet med YDC i Sierra Leone. Siden samarbejdets begyndelse og på baggrund af to CISU finansierede projekter har YDC udviklet sig mærkbart, både hvad angår professionalisering af organisationen og forbedring af undervisningen. Efter Ebola udbruddet i 2014 er der imidlertid blevet større bejov for uformel undervisning i Sierra Leone, og derfor ønsker YDC at opstarte en afdeling på en ny lokation. Derudover blev YDCs organisatoriske udvikling sat i stå med Ebola udbruddet, hvorfor der stadig er behov for at udvikle de demokratiske strukturer og sikre en økonomisk bæredygtighed. Slutteligt har den nye situation i Sierra Leone flyttet det politiske fokus væk fra YDCs målgruppe, og derfor har YDC behov for at opbygge kompetencer i forhold til at advokere over for de lokale myndigheder og dermed sikre et fremtidigt fokus på marginaliserede unge. Alle disse udviklingspunkter bliver realiseret i Dreamtown Project 3.