Mobilizing smallholder forest owners and building a foundation for civil society strengthening and organizing through their engagement in local forest owners association(s) in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Project period:

01.02.2017 - 28.02.2018

Granted amount:

342,103,- DKK


Danish Forestry Extension (Skovdyrkerne)


Forestry and Environmental Action (FEA)


Puljen for Naboskab

Grant type:


Efforts take place in:

Bosnia and Herzegovina

Overall targets

The overall objective of the project is to mobilize smallholder forest owners and build a foundation for their future organizing in local forest owners associations in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Immediate targets

• Establishment of a strong partnership between fea and DFE • Gain better knowledge about shared problems or challenges to analyse the smallholder forestry sector in Bosnia and Herzegovina. • Capacitate forest owners to establish local forest owners associations.

Target groups

The main beneficiaries of the partnership interventions are the smallholder forest owners from the territory of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (FBiH). To date there are app. 250.000 non-organized and isolated forest owners in FBiH. This is a mainly rural, low educated and low-income population (often-marginalized group at risk of poverty). The socio-economic background of this group clearly refers to the significantly important role of private forests as a natural capital for livelihood security of these people and their families as well as economic development of rural areas in general. The local forest owners are also the best stewards of the natural resources if given the skills and support. The pilot project intervention, which refers to one of total 10 cantons of FBiH, aims to reach app. 400 forest owners of Sarajevo Canton that will be surveyed for the purposes of the pilot study development and work closely with 50 forest owners who will be directly involved in the proposed activities.


Projektet fokuserer på at mobilisere småskovsejere for herved at opbygge et fundament med henblik på gennem lokale skovdyrkerforeninger ultimativt at kunne organisere dem som en stærk civilsamfundsgruppe. Gennem kombinationen af DFE’s mere end 100 års erfaring med opbygning af lokale skovdyrkerforeninger og fea’s lokalkendskab til den bosniske skovsektor kan partnerskabet styrke fea’s arbejde med småskovejere og med at fremme lokal udvikling gennem ansvarlig naturresurseforvaltning. Der fokuseres konkret på at styrke fea’s evne til at udøve fortalervirksomhed, organisere lokale småskovsejere, generere information til fremme af socioøkonomisk udvikling og på sigt støtte dannelsen af lokale skovdyrkerforeninger. Desuden ønsker projektet at styrke dialog og integration mellem lokale småskovsejere og offentlige forvaltningsmyndigheder. På længere sigt er der mulighed for at fortsætte partnerskabet og styrke fea’s organisatoriske kapacitet til en egentlig etablering af lokale skovdyrkerforeninger. Således er det langsigtede projektmål at skabe socioøkonomiske forbedringer i det bosniske civilsamfund ved at styrke indtægtsgrundlaget fra bæredygtig skovforvaltning af småskove under oplyst hensynstagen til en ansvarlig forvaltning i bred forstand af den lokale skovressource.