A school based project improving oral health and preventing general oral diseases among Palestinian Children in the Hebron and Bethlehem region, West Bank, Palestine

Project period:

28.08.2016 - 31.05.2019

Granted amount:

1,906,074,- DKK


Tandsundhed Uden Grænser


Palestinian Medical Relief Society (PMRS)



Grant type:

Projekt D (1 - 3 mio)

Efforts take place in:


Overall targets

To improve the standard of oral health among school children in the Hebron and Bethlehem area. Furthermore to increase especially the regional but also national duty bearers’ responsibility for sustainable school based oral health initiatives and secure children’s access to dental treatment.

Immediate targets

Objective 1 By the end of 2018 the primary target group has improved their oral health (measured on the PUFA Index) by following the oral health and prevention project on daily basis, and increased their knowledge of healthy dental behavior. Objective 2 Strengthen the knowledge and awareness of oral health promotion and implementation of the oral health project by schools and PMRS. Furthermore, make parents aware of their responsibility to secure their children’s oral health and teach them how to. Objective 3 By 2019 the commitments of regional decision makers in the field of oral health in the targeted areas have increased, as well as strategies to further expand the oral preventive and OUT & ART programmes at national level.

Target groups

The primary target group is: Approx. 7,500 elementary school children from grade one to six from selected project schools in the West Bank. We will focus on children from schools in the Hebron and Bethlehem region – more specifically from the C areas and the most marginalized B areas. A selection criterion will also be that the gender balance corresponds to that of the general population. The intervention is neutral towards race, religion and ethnicity. The secondary target groups are: • Teachers, school principals, school health committees and parents associated with the primary target group. • Local and national dental professionals, the PDA, dental students from the Faculty of Dentistry at Al Quds University. • Relevant policy and decision makers on regional level • Decision makers at national level, primarily the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Education.


TUG og PMRS har sammen udviklet dette projekt, der har til formål at forbedre udsatte børns tandsundhed og adgang til tandbehandling, og derved forbedre børnenes livsbetingelse, så de bl.a. får mere udbytte af deres skolegang. Projektet løber over 2½ år og vil inkludere 21 skoler med i alt 7.500 skolebørn i alderen 6-12 år. Det vil finde sted i de mest marginaliserede områder af to regioner på det besatte Vestbredden: Betlehem og Hebron. Gennem daglige tandbørstningsprogrammer vil lokalsamfundets, særligt skolers, viden om tandpleje styrkes og kapaciteten til selv at kunne håndtere og forebygge tandsygdomme vil øges. Gennem fortalervirksomhed på både regionalt og nationalt niveau vil vi demonstrere og udpege, hvordan de palæstinensiske autoriteter kan udnytte de allerede anvendte og sparsomme ressourcer på området på en mere bæredygtig måde ved at prioritere skolebaseret forebyggelse i deres sundhedsstrategi.