Mobilising civil society in favour of quality education in Devdaha municipality

Project period:

01.02.2018 - 15.05.2019

Granted amount:

295,720,- DKK


Skoleliv i Nepal


Soiya Mahila Swobalambi Sanstha



Grant type:


World goals:

Goal 1: No Poverty

Goal 4: Quality Education

Goal 10: Reduced Inequalities

Efforts take place in:


Overall targets

To strengthen Soiya Women's Independent Organization's ability to work strategically in favour of social mobilisation and social change with a focus on higher quality in local public schools.

Immediate targets

1. Strengthening the identity and strategic focus of SWO as a civil society organisation (board, management, staff and ordinary members), particularly with a focus on quality education. 2. Mobilising SWO members and other school stakeholders (parents, students and school/municipality) in support of quality education.

Target groups

The board of SWO: 10 women mainly from the dalit community (representing all SWOs women groups) SWO's manager and staff: 1 project coordinator and 1 social mobiliser, The members of SWO's women groups: Around 170-80 women from dalit and other marginalised communities (primarily Tharu but also a few Magar, Kumal and Gurung). Representatives from the parents groups in five schools (approximately 100 parents) Parents and children in the five schools: approximately 1200 parents ( Approximately 40% dalit, 40% tharu and similar groups and 20% brahmin/chhetri casts) Teachers and management of the five schools: Approximately 50 teachers+headmasters. School management committees in the schools aproximately 8-9 persons per school – total 40-45. Representatives from Municipality Education office. Child clubs from the schools (around 30 children).


Soiya Women's Independent Organization (SWO) og Skoleliv i Nepal ønsker at påbegynde en udvidelse af SWOs arbejde med ”quality education.” Interventionen skal mobilisere den offentlige skoles interessenter på fem offentlige skoler i Devdaha kommune med særligt fokus på forældrenes rolle som rettighedshavere og lærere og ledelses rolle som ansvarshavere (duty bearers). Interventionen skal afklare hvilke udfordringer interessenterne selv ser som væsentlige for at skabe højere kvalitet i uddannelsen i de pågældende skoler, og hvad de forestiller sig, at de involverede interessenter kan gøre for at støtte op om en positiv forandring. Interventionen skal herefter øget samarbejdet mellem forældre og skole for at påbegynde de ønskede forandringer.