Emergency protection for women and children affected by the violence in Harare, Bulawayo and Chitungwiza

Project period:

21.03.2019 - 21.03.2020

Granted amount:

1,872,217,- DKK




Plan International Zimbabwe


DERF - Nødhjælpspuljen

Grant type:

Zimbabwe, Protection and Food Security Crisis (Modality 2)

World goals:

Goal 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities

Goal 16: Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions

Efforts take place in:



An emergency protection response to the violent uprising in urban areas of Zimbabwe in January 2019 is urgently to save lives of civilians, including women and children who were caught up in the deadly and traumatizing clashes between armed military and police forces and civilians in January 2018. The violence is a consequence of a sensitive political and economic crisis in Zimbabwe. The government refuse to acknowledging their role and blame civil society and the opposition for the violence, endangering and politicizing any kind of response to the affected people . Plan International with partners CATCH and WLSA will target children, youth and women affected by the violence with a range of protection measures such as legal aid in prisons, court monitoring, trauma counseling and cash transfers. A continuous adaptation to the changing context will take place through out the project period to maintain live saving protection of individuals receiving services.