Creating responsible and sustainable communities in Mongolia

Project period:

01.01.2019 - 01.01.2023

Granted amount:

4,499,614,- DKK


Dansk Mongolsk Selskab


Niigmiin Tunshleliin Suljee (NTS)/ Social Partnership Network



Grant type:


World goals:

Goal 1: No Poverty

Goal 5: Gender Equality

Goal 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth

Goal 10: Reduced Inequalities

Goal 16: Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions

Goal 17: Partnerships for the Goals

Efforts take place in:


Overall targets

The overall objective of the project is to reduce poverty in Mongolia and empower poor families in local communities by building the necessary professional capacity of the Mongolian partner to make it self-sustainable as a training and service provider supporting establishment, consolidation and growth of ONBBs and MSMEs.

Immediate targets

I. By July 2022 180 micro-small enterprises have established proved sustainable operation in 13 project locations II. By July 2022 NTS has 13 local branches and a central secretariat in UB with enhanced capacity to provide services to new as well as established MSMEs and a sustainable business plan III. By July 2022 app. 2100 poor families in 13 project locations empowered through participation in ONBBs

Target groups

The project has two primary target groups. Primary target groups are those groups in society for which the project will create improvements: A. Poor families in 13 locations well-motivated to improve their financial stability empowering them to speak up for their rights and needs. By targeting families for membership in the ONBBs more resources can be mobilised than if individuals were targeted as the family is more likely to establish saving than an individual person. Women is the biggest segment of this target group. They are commonly the most economic active, more extroverted and responsible. In Mongolia there is relatively large gender equality, and it is often the women who are the bread-winner and household head. Furthermore the project will focus on young families, as the Youth (18-34) is one of the main demographic segments in Mongolia. Youth unemployment is high in Mongolia, and youth’s participation in democratic decisions is low. 2100 poor families in 13 project locations constitutes the quantitative scope of this target group. B. Entrepreneurs, new and functioning MSMEs in 13 locations. The establishment of 159 MSMEs during the previous project demonstrates the significant potential of MSMEs to improve living standards of families and economic activity in the local communities. Therefore this project has entrepreneurs as well as new and established MSMEs as the second primary target group. Appr. 2200 entrepreneurs to be trained and 215 new MSMEs to be established constitutes the quantitative scope of this target group.


Previous projects have demonstrated that establishment of ONBBs as simple self-organisation of poor families is an effective tool to improve their livelihood and empower them to be active participants in the democracy. This project will develop the ONBBs to become a stable actor in the local communities in Mongolia by further improving their organisational and financial capacity to achieve self-sustainability by the end of the project. The ONBBs have furthermore shown ability to support promising entrepreneurs with seed money to start up MSMEs. This project will focus on building capacity of the Mongolian partner NGO (NTS) to become a selfsustainable provider of a progressive and diversified scheme of training and services to entrepreneurs as well as established MSMEs with the ILO´s ”SIYB” training guide as a key component.