Reduction and empowerment of young female dropouts in Soroti District, Uganda

Project period:

01.03.2019 - 31.05.2021

Granted amount:

499,977,- DKK


Seniorer uden Grænser


Community Integrated Development Initiatives-CIDI



Grant type:


World goals:

Goal 4: Quality Education

Goal 5: Gender Equality

Goal 10: Reduced Inequalities

Efforts take place in:


Overall targets

To promote girl child retention in school and reduce the societal as well as human consequences of female dropouts in selected villages through goal-oriented programmes including character building and vocational training, so that the girls involved in the project may become role-models for other girls.

Immediate targets

1. To generate an environment enabling discussion and dialogue among the duty bearers and consequently empower the community to obtain the political objectives of reducing the rate of female dropouts. 2. To equip 100 girls involved in this project with the necessary and relevant education and skills to make them strong, independent and self-supporting individuals who can serve as good role-models and endow them with social respect and acceptance.

Target groups

Primary target group: 100 yong female dropouts from Gweri sub county, who lack education and skills because of family-cultural- and socio-economic conditions. Secondary target group: People related to the primary group: friends, aquantancies, relatives as well as residents in the local community, especially men and youths, to entlighten them and thus prevent continnued occurence of school dropout and teenage pregnancy. The project is expexted to influence the local environment and thereby create awareness and responsibility among people close to or related to the dropouts.


Det er et kæmpestort problem at så mange piger dropper ud af skolen i Uganda. Mange bliver gravide p.g.a. sexuelle overgreb, tidlige tvangsægteskaber eller simpel uvidenhed, andre dropper ud p.g.a. tidlige forsørgerpligter, fordi drengenes skolegang prioriteres osv., og disse piger lever stigmatiserede liv på kanten af samfundet. Dette pilotprojekt vil i løbet af de første 2 år hjælpe 100 piger, enten tilbage i skolen eller give dem en håndvæksmæssig uddannelse, som sætter dem i stand til at forsørge sig selv og deres børn, så de genvinder bevidsthed om eget værd og respekt fra samfundet. Dette kan kun ske med opbakning fra politiske, kulturelle og religiøse ledere, fra skole, familie, mænd og drenge i området. Derfor er en vigtig del af projektet oplysning og awareness building i de udvalgte communities.