Promoting ecostrategies – GEN Ghana

Project period:

01.07.2016 - 30.06.2017

Granted amount:

199,978,- DKK


Landsforeningen for Økosamfund


Global Ecovillage Network Ghana (GEN - Ghana)



Grant type:

Projekt A (under 0,2 mio)

Efforts take place in:


Overall targets

A well-functioning ecovillage network has been strengthened and is contributing to the adoption of ecovillage strategies as models for sustainable development in Ghana.

Immediate targets

Immediate Objective 1: CAPACITY BUILDING The capacity of GEN-Ghana members in the facilitation and coordination of experiential learning projects designed to spread eco-strategies has been strengthened. Immediate Objective 2: EXPERIENTIAL LEARNING Improved experiential learning, nutrition and eco-citizenship among youth in basic schools resulting from strong ecovillage volunteers imparting knowledge on eco-strategies in Ghana. Immediate Objective 3: AWARENESS RAISING Awareness on topics of improved nutrition and organic agriculture, using engaging and participatory methods, at the Primary and Junior High School level, has improved.

Target groups

30 GEN-Ghana members who participated in the recent EDE. There will be equal representation of men and women, and at least twenty will be youth. Students of Primary and Junior High Schools where the Moringa School Gardens will be based. Each school has 100-300 students which will be engaged, both boys and girls. Out of the 7 schools, to students from each place will be attending the training, giving 14 young people. Other target groups include teachers, school administrators, cooking staff and parents of students who will be actively encouraged to support the project. Most importantly, as an advocacy process, the local school authorities will be consulted in the selection of participating schools.


GEN Ghana er en ny bevægelse, der skal ud at vise, at den kan noget – både overfor omverdenen, men også overfor sine medlemmer. Derfor har dette projekt et tre-dobbelt fokus: 1) At lade GEN Ghana medlemmer, repræsenteret ved nylige EDE graduerede (4 ugers træning), beskæftige sig med et fælles projekt. 2) At lade District Assemblies og skoleautoriteter vide, at GEN Ghana er på banen. 3) At afprøve metoder til at introducere øko-strategier på skoler. Én skole i 7 regioner bliver udvalgt, folk bliver trænede og skal implementere en skolehave på deres respektive skoler, med hjælp fra en GEN Ghana frivillig. Der udvikles en manual, til replikering. Men vigtigst er, at skolerne får et projekt, der er godt for dem (næringsrigt for børnenes skolemad), men også kan samle både lærere, børn, forældre i et fælles projekt, som de alle kan lære noget af. GEN Ghana lærer samtidig en masse om, hvordan man kan bruge GEN Ghana som netværk til at promovere en dagsorden.