Welcome! Having found this page indicates that you may be interested in joining the CISU community. We've gathered some useful information here, but please don't hesitate to contact us at cisu@cisu.dk, if you have any questions or would like to speak to an advisor about membership.

Please note that CISU membership is not mandatory in order to apply to our open pools of funds.

Who is eligible for Membership?

Danish associations and non-profit foundations with activities in the Global South can apply for membership of CISU.

Membership Criteria:

  • The organisation should be actively engaged in development work, either as a primary activity or as part of the organisation's activities and overall objectives.
  • It must be officially established and have a membership base: this entails having statutes, a board, and having conducted a general assembly. More detailed guides on setting up an association can be found on frivillighed.dk.
  • The organisation must be registered in Denmark.
  • Commercial purposes should not drive the organisation.

Membership Fee

The membership fee depends on the organisation's annual turnover and corresponds to the organisation's total annual turnover, including (support) funds used/transferred to/from partners, etc.

Memberhip Fee DKK/Year Annual Turnover (DKK)
600 0-199,999
1,200 200,000-1,499,999
2,500 1,500,000-2,999,999
3,500 3,000,000-